Friday, February 20, 2009

Red Hot Chili Peppers

February 18th, Shanti Bhavan
Hooray! I think I might have actually taught someone something today! I imparted an idea to the fifth graders and by the end of the period, they had made an improvement! I feel valuable. I hope they retain the information…
Today at lunch I accidentally ate a chili from hell. It was well-hidden in a lovely side-dish of cucumber salsa, and when I bit into it, it was as if someone had taken a hot poker and seared the inside of my mouth. I had to go back to the dorm and eat a butter milk toffee to get it to calm down because there were no other milk or butter products around to take the sting away. Amanda told me that the food here is milder than in the rest of India… I’m going to be eating a lot of naan when I travel…

1 comment:

  1. wow, we're loving these posts. i loved the lucy reference! call us when you can ~ mom
